
Artheart HQ

ArtheartHQ is the philanthropic branch of Arthead which donates time, money, experience, skills and talent to help inspire and create a better world. ArtheartHQ is a tribute to Bob Millis’s legacy of community contribution and to the ‘rules’ he lived by.

“Be kind and remember that great love and great achievements involve great risks. It is important to be at your best, displaying your inner heart in every action and word. In order for your soul to thrive, you must strive to be the best person you can be, showing your true self in every situation. It is in giving that you receive. To thrive it is essential for your soul to be fully expressed in all aspects of your life”

Bob Millis

ArtheartHQ is privately funded by Sonja Millis.

ArtheartHQ sponsors the annual BLUE SQUARE ART festival The Blue Square Art Festival includes the following events

  • Blue Square Art Competition
  • Blue Square Poetry
  • The Blue Square Vocal Muster
  • The Blue Square Tea Party
  • Jazz in the Gallery
  • ArtheartHQ Talk from the Heart

ArtheartHQ is a philosophy for living built around the guiding principles of kindness, compassion, creativity and community. The word “Artheart” was created by A.G. who, in 2014, found himself exploring his artistic and spiritual sides for the first time. He began to notice that an inner voice was guiding him towards a life of kindness, creativity and community. He started connecting with like-minded souls and through this he has found his passion to help others find their passion, too.

ArtheartHQ is about following your heart. What does kindness, compassion, creativity and community mean to you? We want to hear from you! Contact us on our website or Facebook page or via email. We are interested in hearing your story and hiring inspirational speakers for our events.

The first ArtheartHQ “Talk from the Heart” event was a talk we hosted with Chris Nunn, a high performance athletics coach with a history of coaching the Australian Paralympics team. Chris is passionate about helping people reach their full potential and understands what it takes to connect people with their inner self and journey of life exploration.

Watch this space for future ArtheartHQ “Talk from the Heart” Events.